Tuesday, April 20, 2010
SMEC to carry out consultancy work
THE involvement of Snowy Mountain Engineering Consultants (SMEC) by the Hides Gas Special Purpose Authority (HGSPA) to carry out technical engineering consultancy on infrastructure projects in Hides is intended to bring tangible development to the relevant rural communities.Last month, a MoA was signed between the landowner group and SMEC that would ensure K30 million, when released by the Government under licenced-based benefits sharing agreement would cater for infrastructure development such as roads, bridges schools and hospitals.During the signing, it was highlighted that the agreement would pave the way for investment opportunities for rural communities in the Hides area by way of planning and infrastructure development through the benefits from the Hides Gas SPA and the PNG LNG projects.The MoA was signed in Port Moresby by SMEC country manager Richard Farrell and Hides Gas SPA chairman Lemson Mapiria.The HGSPA is an entity established by virtue of the National Executive Council decision in 2004 under the Local Level Government Act of Papua New Guinea.The MoA would then be presented by the HGSPA to the respective Government agencies which include the departments of Petroleum and Energy, National Planning and District development and Treasury.From the submission made to the Government department’s funds would be made available before a feasibility study is underway with the consultancy by SMEC.