Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Participation vital in PNG LNG project
THE engagement and development of Papua New Guinea’s businesses is an important aspect of the PNG LNG project’s national content plan and the Oil and Gas Act.Insomuch, the establishment of the Enterprise Centre (EC) by Esso Highlands Ltd, the subsidiary of ExxonMobil-led LNG project in partnership with the PNG Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM) became realty when it opened the temporary EC centre in Port Moresby.Executive director of IBBM Ray Clark, when officiating at the opening, told bankers, officials of Esso Highlands and reporters that the establishment of EC is an important part of component of the PNG LNG project local business development programme.Mr Clark said the overall object of the programme was to ensure efficient communications with EPC contractor, sub-subcontractors, and the analysis of the gaps of PNG and to assist domestic business build their business skills.Amongst others, the EC primary functions is to build capacities of PNG business that seek in some form of business activities with the LNG project.Mr Clark said already landowners from the LNG affected LNG areas were enrolling at the institution for free with all cost met by Esso Highlands.He stressed that supplier developments involved the transfer of skills and increasing local suppliers capabilities to help them meet the global standard that were expected for contractors with the LNG project and other industries and such establishment would encourage local business to prosper.