Sunday, January 10, 2010
LNG project to trigger increase in port business
THE volume of cargo entering national seaports is expected to increase as the PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) project takes shape, Customs commissioner Gary Juffa said.At the same time, Mr Juffa said Customs have the important responsibility in protecting the borders and collection of customs duties and import goods and services tax (GST) due the State.“PNG is experiencing a major boom in economic activities in many sectors and it is crucial that agencies like Customs are up on its toes to perform its duties effectively on its part.“It is a tough challenge, but Customs is very aware of its responsibility to facilitate trade and at the same time the duty to encourage compliance in payment of duty due state as customs duties and import GST (goods and services tax),” he said.Mr Juffa said Customs had established the capacity to perform its duties, especially to clear all cargo effectively and efficiently as it was its responsibility to facilitate legitimate trade.He added PNG Customs had already taken measures to tighten seaports and improve efficiency to ensure Government tax duties were paid and declared goods were brought into the country.He also commended his officers for working tirelessly over the last few years to clear goods and items despite drastic increase in quantity of cargo reaching the country’s wharfs mainly spurred by the boom in oil and gas industry in the country.Mr Juffa also expressed confidence that Customs was strategically positioned to carry out its functions and roles effectively, adding Customs had increased staffing levels to meet demand.It also purchased new equipments such as patrol boats and x-ray equipment and has engaged in arming of its enforcement unit.“In recent times, Customs has shown efforts to secure borders and protect community,” Mr Juffa said.