AN exodus of highly-skilled public servants to the LNG project is being experienced as workers are quitting their jobs in search of greener pastures.Several public servants in Simbu province have attended interviews with developers of the project, according to president of the Public Employees Association Simbu branch Peter Nulai.He told The National in Kundiawa yesterday that there would be an acute shortage in public service workforce after an exit of several highly-skilled and experienced public servants.“The onus is on the Government to re-negotiate their remuneration packages to keep them serving the people at their current respective levels,” Mr Nulai said.He said public servants not only in Simbu province but also other provinces and in the National Government were opting to join the LNG work force.“Most of those who expressed interests to work in the project are likely to leave public service as so much money is involved.“The Government will make millions of kina because of the LNG projects, so they should increase the salaries and improve working and living conditions of its workers to keep them in the public service,” Mr Nulai said.It has been revealed that PNG lacked the manpower capacity for the LNG project to start and developers were looking at recruiting skilled manpower overseas to meet the requirement of the project.