Sunday, February 28, 2010

IT firm MCR now here

AN Australian information technology (IT) provider believes that the PNG liquefied natural gas project will increase income for many people who would now have better access to IT.And the nature of the LNG project will increase requirements for better network and more reliable systems, according to Harry Vakili, executive chairman of Australian IT company MCR.The corporate and Government IT needs will be the main focus of MCR, which will be based at Boroko in the coming weeks.“That is exactly what we are here for … better network and more reliable systems,” Mr Vakili said these shortly before the company launched its PNG office in Port Moresby last Friday alongside its executive partner Sun Microsystems Australia.Mr Vakili said MCR had an initial two-year plan and in the first three months, they would have about seven staff and in 12 months, aim to have about 15.“In two years time, we plan to have a daily centre here which could have about 100 to 150 people,” he said.Mr Vakili said there were two practices that MCR would focus on in line with the large projects being implemented in PNG.First was speed of the (IT) network, security of the flow of information around the network and quality.The second was reliable and mission critical business solutions.